Memory, Improving Concentration & Reading System

and hi again! For this update, i will tell all of you in detailed based on the title. Before that, let me tell you that Puan Rohana Bt Wan Endut is the spoker during that day. (thanks to her for this useful knowledge i had) Now, let's begin! 
  Memory, improving concentration and reading system is to make the students easier to understand the basic process of memory, and how to apply the memory skills in their learning styles. 
  Based on the picture above, the learning system is 5%  from the lecture. This is because the lectures will teach us the basic of the topic that we learned so if we don't have the basic knowledge, how can we do the difficult ones? Next, 10% of learning system is from the reading. We should reviewed what we had noted because if we did not reread, we will lose 80% of the things that we got during the classes. So then, we should make a time to reread so when the examination around the corner, we do not have to rush read and catch up all the topics in a time. Thus, 20% of the learning system is from the audiovisual. For me, this is the most important things we should pay attention because this is the main thing which really helped us to understand the topics more. It is really stressful when i came to classes but i can't hear (and look at the lecture who speaks) clearly because if i don't i can't focus in classes and ended up got nothing from the classes which is such a wasteful time. So basically, audiovisual is really important for me to get more information clearly. 
  Futhermore, 30% of the learning system is demonstration where it helps students to understand more about the challenging topics they learned. This will make they imagine and easier them to understand or memorize it. Next, 50% of the learning system is from the discussion. Discussion helps students tu dig more about the topic and disscuss what they did not understand. Some students are shy to ask the lectures during the classes so this will give them the opportunity to ask and understand the topics easily, in sha Allah. Moreover, 75% of learning system is by practice doing. For example, you should apply what you had learned during the class in your daily routine so in sha Allah, it will help you to not forget about the topics. Last but not least, we could get at maximum 90% by teach others. This is because when we teach our friends, our mind will recalled what we had learned and disscuss our friends, do some demonstration and give them some examples. Basically, this technique will help students to master more about the topics. 
What is the meaning of memory and brain? 

  From what i had learned from Madam Wan Rohana Binti Wan Endut on Wednesday, 21 June 2017, she said that memory is the retention of information over time or the mind stores and remember information (mental process/ cognition), like sofware. Other than that, brain is the organ, like computer hardware.

  What i tried to tell you guys is, computer is like human which all of its parts had the same function to people's body.  For example based on the activity that we had done during the class, part of the computer which called speaker is the same function with human's mouth, keyboard was same as human's finger, monitor was same as human's eyes, and so on. 

  Now, let's move to the three types of memory that i had learned from the classes. 
  • Sensory memory (SM) - Various kind of information that came from our 5 sense will go to the sensory memory for an instant. If he or she focus to what they                                                 heard, the information will go to the short-term memory (STM) while                                         who do not pay attention to what they heard, it will lost. So that is                                               why we should be focus all the time during the classes so we will not                                           missed any importants notes that be given. 
  • Short-term memory (STM) - it is a very limited storage. The informations which from SM       will be stored in STM but the information must be remind or repeated or practice them in order to get the information to LTM. If not, the information will be forgotten. And so, the students should know that applying memories strategies is significant to increase the memory ability
  • Long-term memory (LTM) - this is the largest and unlimited storage human have. From STM  it will went to LTM and stayed there for later use. Same as STM,if the information not be used in the meantime, it might be forgotten. 
  Next topic that i will discuss about is memories strategies. Wait, why is the memories strategies is important to students?  

Memories strategies can help students to remember or recall the information or notes 

  Unfortunately, as a student, it is common things that happened in our students life where we forgot what we had learned during classes. This is because :- 
  1. Did not focus on the information given
  2. Did not understand the information given
  3. Cramming (do the last minuts study during the examination) 
  4. Did not have good strategies or planned about the information
  5. Interference (having 2 papers on the same day and coincedencely both papers are related to each other)
  6. Did not have the confident about themselves because they do not prepared well for the test
  And so, this is the resolutions of the problems we got here which are : 
  1. Massed practice vs Spaced practice 
       Massed practice which is not recommended to do because it is involves studying everythings at          one time. Futhermore, this method it is not suitable for students to practice as we do not have              time to understand the topics in detailed, we can't remember much of them, etc. 
       Spaced practice is very good and recommended to apply as a student because it involves some            space time over some period of time for studying. This practice allows students to remember all          the informations and sent it to the long-term memory because they have much time to study and          remember all the informations given.

      2. Have a break to read some notes for example 2 chapters a day to revise what we have learned         and not read all the chapters a day before the examination. 

  Now, let's move to the next topic! Concentration. 

Concentration is paying attention to what we are doing.

  Talk about concentration, what is the things that causes of poor concetration? Here it is. 

  • Lack of focus 
  • Poor of interest
  • Poor of motivation
  • Get bothered from others
  • Uncomfortable surroundings 
  • Have illness or tiredness
  • Have their own personal problems
 In a conclusion, we should improve our concentration during the class and write all things that we think matters when lecture's speaking. Next, we should diciplined ourself to pay full attention when the lecture's speakng because if we don't we can't understand any of that.Futhermore, we shouldn't study overtime. I mean we forced ourself to study eventhough our body is tired and we feel sleepy. Surely we won't focus and at last, we got nothing and it's useless. So i think this is the end of my topic. See you later on the next topic ! 💖

A million thx for reading ;D


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